Sunday, February 7, 2016

This Week on TRB + MORE 10:19 pm Feb 7th

Another Exponential Chart: Record Numbers Renounce Their U.S. Citizenship In 2015Another year, another record number of Americans willing to not only pay the $2,350 fee, but also appear in the US Treasury’s “name of shame” list published every, quarter which reveals all the now-former US citizens who have decided to hand over their US passport back to Uncle Sam and expatriate. According to the latest US Treasury report, a record 4,279 individuals decided to give up their citizenship in 2015, up 864 from the previous full year record of 3,415, and up a stunning 560% from the peak hit during the Bush administration years…

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On-the-books advice on reads


On-the-books advice on reads
My Sunday Washington Post Business Section column is out. This morning, we look at the favorite reads of a number of finance notables.
The print version had the full headline On-the-books advice on reads, while the online version was On-the-books advice from financial leaders.
Here’s an excerpt from the column:
“Late last year, in a fit of pique lamenting poor financial advice in the media, I wrote a column headlined “Bah humbug to ridiculous year-end financial advice…

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This Week on TRB


Christie only wearing two pieces of flair tonight, defying his manager at Chotchkie’s#GOPDebate
— Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) February 7, 2016

These were the most read posts on the site this week, in case you missed it: 

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from Royalty Gateway
Another Exponential Chart: Record Numbers Renounce Their U.S. Citizenship In 2015Another year, another record number of Americans willing to not only pay the $2,350 fee, but also appear in the US Treasury’s “name of shame” list published every, quarter which reveals all the now-former US citizens who have decided to hand over their US passport back to Uncle Sam and expatriate. According to the latest US Treasury report, a record 4,279 individuals decided to give up their citizenship in 2015, up 864 from the previous full year record of 3,415, and up a stunning 560% from the peak hit during the Bush administration years…

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On-the-books advice on reads


On-the-books advice on reads
My Sunday Washington Post Business Section column is out. This morning, we look at the favorite reads of a number of finance notables.
The print version had the full headline On-the-books advice on reads, while the online version was On-the-books advice from financial leaders.
Here’s an excerpt from the column:
“Late last year, in a fit of pique lamenting poor financial advice in the media, I wrote a column headlined “Bah humbug to ridiculous year-end financial advice…

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This Week on TRB


Christie only wearing two pieces of flair tonight, defying his manager at Chotchkie’s#GOPDebate
— Downtown Josh Brown (@ReformedBroker) February 7, 2016

These were the most read posts on the site this week, in case you missed it: 

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