Monday, February 1, 2016

The C-Suite Speaks: Business as Usual? + MORE 7:21 pm Feb 1st

Tobacco Stocks Continue to Rally


I noticed that Philip Morris, Reynolds American and Altria are all at new highs today. Here’s a look at how tobacco stocks as a whole have performed over the last 16 years.

That’s a 1,000% gain for the sector. Tobacco has done so well that the S&P 500 looks like a flat line in comparison…

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The C-suite struck an optimistic tone on earnings calls last week. While almost every management team mentioned macroeconomic uncertainty, most executives (outside of the energy sector) were pleased with business conditions. They were even positive on the environment in China. But it’s a little hard to believe that everything is business as usual…

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The image below shows the 10 year cumulative returns of Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) and the S&P 500 (SPY): Source: Data from Yahoo! Finance $1.00 invested in Johnson & Johnson on 1/27/2006 is worth $2.33 versus $1.82 for the same investment in SPY (both include reinvested dividends). A…

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How to Get a Jump on Next Year’s TaxesYour Future Self Will Thank You

You might be feeling the pressure of the looming tax deadline as you scramble to find receipts and think back to every donation you made over the last year. And then soon enough, the process will start over again, raised blood pressure and all.

But it doesn’t have to be this way…

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Some really fascinating things have been going on beneath the surface of the roiling primary elections. The sages in the political parties and the media elite have been wrong for most of the cycle; the electorate is angry, and the prize is very much up for grabs.
Tonight, Iowans will vote in the caucuses, and if the latest polls are too be believed, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton  will win (but in Clinton’s case, just barely)…

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I was a vocal member of the chorus of booing Knicks fans last June. We’re usually a large constituency to be sure – and an outspoken one – but on NBA draft night 2015, we were a veritable cacophony.
Using their 4th overall pick in the draft, the New York Knicks organization selected a player that very few fans had ever heard of, a 7 foot 3 inch-tall Latvian kid named Kristaps Porzingis…

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Nate Silver's Continual Underestimation of Donald Trump's ChancesOn January 18, I sent the article below (starting with the title Nate Silver Off the Mark on Donald Trump Nomination Odds)  to the New York Times as an Op-Ed.They did not publish it.It’s hard enough  getting something timely to major news organizations, and when you do, you have to sit and wait days for no response…

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These Are Still The Most Disturbing Charts For The Stock MarketBack before everyone became a junk bond expert, we repeatedly showed what in our opinion was the scariest chart for not only the US, but global stock markets: the unprecedented divergence between the stocks and junk bonds, suggesting that if the recent past is prologue, then the S&P 500 is in for a world of pain as it tracks HY credit far lower…

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Transferring an IRA and 401(k) in a DivorceA reader writes in, asking:
“My divorce was finalized a few weeks ago, and I am supposed to receive a portion of my ex-husband’s IRA and 401k. Are there any specific rules to follow as far as how to move the money from his accounts to my IRA? Or does he just take the money out, write me a check for the appropriate amount, and I deposit the money in my IRA?”
Yes, there are specific rules to follow…

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from Royalty Gateway

Tobacco Stocks Continue to Rally


I noticed that Philip Morris, Reynolds American and Altria are all at new highs today. Here’s a look at how tobacco stocks as a whole have performed over the last 16 years.

That’s a 1,000% gain for the sector. Tobacco has done so well that the S&P 500 looks like a flat line in comparison…

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The C-suite struck an optimistic tone on earnings calls last week. While almost every management team mentioned macroeconomic uncertainty, most executives (outside of the energy sector) were pleased with business conditions. They were even positive on the environment in China. But it’s a little hard to believe that everything is business as usual…

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The image below shows the 10 year cumulative returns of Johnson & Johnson (NYSE:JNJ) and the S&P 500 (SPY): Source: Data from Yahoo! Finance $1.00 invested in Johnson & Johnson on 1/27/2006 is worth $2.33 versus $1.82 for the same investment in SPY (both include reinvested dividends). A…

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How to Get a Jump on Next Year’s TaxesYour Future Self Will Thank You

You might be feeling the pressure of the looming tax deadline as you scramble to find receipts and think back to every donation you made over the last year. And then soon enough, the process will start over again, raised blood pressure and all.

But it doesn’t have to be this way…

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Some really fascinating things have been going on beneath the surface of the roiling primary elections. The sages in the political parties and the media elite have been wrong for most of the cycle; the electorate is angry, and the prize is very much up for grabs.
Tonight, Iowans will vote in the caucuses, and if the latest polls are too be believed, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton  will win (but in Clinton’s case, just barely)…

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I was a vocal member of the chorus of booing Knicks fans last June. We’re usually a large constituency to be sure – and an outspoken one – but on NBA draft night 2015, we were a veritable cacophony.
Using their 4th overall pick in the draft, the New York Knicks organization selected a player that very few fans had ever heard of, a 7 foot 3 inch-tall Latvian kid named Kristaps Porzingis…

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Nate Silver's Continual Underestimation of Donald Trump's ChancesOn January 18, I sent the article below (starting with the title Nate Silver Off the Mark on Donald Trump Nomination Odds)  to the New York Times as an Op-Ed.They did not publish it.It’s hard enough  getting something timely to major news organizations, and when you do, you have to sit and wait days for no response…

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These Are Still The Most Disturbing Charts For The Stock MarketBack before everyone became a junk bond expert, we repeatedly showed what in our opinion was the scariest chart for not only the US, but global stock markets: the unprecedented divergence between the stocks and junk bonds, suggesting that if the recent past is prologue, then the S&P 500 is in for a world of pain as it tracks HY credit far lower…

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Transferring an IRA and 401(k) in a DivorceA reader writes in, asking:
“My divorce was finalized a few weeks ago, and I am supposed to receive a portion of my ex-husband’s IRA and 401k. Are there any specific rules to follow as far as how to move the money from his accounts to my IRA? Or does he just take the money out, write me a check for the appropriate amount, and I deposit the money in my IRA?”
Yes, there are specific rules to follow…

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